Sunday, January 27, 2013

There will be days...

There will be days when both yes and no will be equally wrong. When what you choose affects not just you but a lot more. On days like that, breathe. Remember the little girl who wrote letters to God. She is still in there somewhere. Find her. Let her tell you who you are and who you ought to be. She knows.

There will be days when the injustice around you will numb you down and make you feel vulnerable and powerless. When all you'd want to do is cry out loud. Do. Allow the grief and the nonsense of it all to wash you down. But remember to wipe your tears to a day that is a tad brighter. Do what you can to make it happen.

There will be days when it will be hard to rise. When the prospects of the day ahead would be daunting, and the comfort of warmth and inaction tempting. Sometimes, rest. Slow down in the swirl of your coffee and indulge in the familiarity of a book. Turn up the classical music and soak in a hot tub. Let the good things heal you. Eat. Replenish what has been lost. Call a friend. Go to a cafe with the book. Stay. As long as you want. Leave behind a note of thanks.

There will be days when the past will overpower you. When the bitter memories will trouble and the happy ones will hurt. When a song or a smell will take you some place else. Some place sinister. On days like that, let them. Watch the replay. Laugh. Cry. But remember to get on with the present when the play is over. Like any performance, there'd be lessons. Take them, and move on. There's something shinier, prettier, happier awaiting you today.


Jack said...


Read 2 posts now. Previous one is thought provoking but one must remember that it is bottom line which matters to those who are in business and for that who cares for scrupulous? Very right advice in this one for one to face life with courage and have peace of mind.

Take care

Kartik said...

Loved the last para... One of the best on this blog...